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This study aims to describe criminal rationment against children of narcotics in Indonesia and Thailand and to assess the differences and equations of criminal allotment to drug users in Indonesia and in Thailand. Most narcotics users in the world are children. As the basis of Indonesia's EAS set up in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 35 year 2009 on Narcotics and Law of Republic of Indonesia No. 11 year 2012 on child criminal justice system. Thailand arranged it at the Narcotic Act B. E 2522 and the Juvenile Court B. E 2494. Narcotic abuse can be categorized as a crime without victim. The meaning of the crime without sacrifice means this crime does not cause sacrifice at all, but the perpetrator as victim. This type of research is the library, the normative approach, the data collection techniques through the study of libraries and in the analysis with qualitative methods. The results of this research show that Indonesia and Thailand only impose a non-institutional rehabilitation criminal or institutional treatment of children in order to safeguard the rights of the Child.


Comparation Narcotics Law Children

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How to Cite
Vika Noviadhealiyani, T. (2020). Perbandingan Pemidanaan Terhadap Anak Pengguna Narkotika di Indonesia dan Thailand. JPH: Jurnal Pembaharu Hukum, 1(1), 24 - 42. Retrieved from


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