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The covid-19 pandemic caused losses in all aspects for all countries in the world, due to the spread of the covid-19 pandemic causing hundreds of deaths and all countries on the verge of a global economic recession. To break the chain of spread of covid-19, large-scale social restrictions are needed in a difficult period of time. Related to the covid-19 pandemic, Indonesia will previously determine the Simultaneous Regional Head Elections (Regional Elections) on September 23, 2020. The implementation of local elections that have been scheduled in 2020 reaped polemic because it is feared that it will cause a new cluster of covid-19 spread, but the Government determined that it will carry out local elections through Perpu No. 2 of 2020 Simultaneous elections will still be held amid the covid-19 pandemic on December 9, 2020. In addition to worrying about the pandemic covid-19 is worried about how the model of elections both ranging from the determination of candidates, candidate campaigns, voting and election results can run in accordance with health protocols. Simultaneous election implementation requires strict supervision of health protocols, in addition it is necessary to consider in the future to use election methods that minimize direct contact such as campaigns through streaming media, and voting using electronic voting. Such a solution needs to be tried in the implementation of elections in the future by mimicking the implementation of elections during the covid-19 pandemic in South Korea that does not cause a new cluster of covid-19 spread.


Covid-19 , Election Pandemic Legal Issues

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How to Cite
Aditya Pratama, E. (2021). Legal Issues Of Simultaneous Selection Of Regional Heads During The Covid-19 Pandemic. JPH: Jurnal Pembaharu Hukum, 1(2), 192-208.


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