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The purpose of this research are to find out the fulfillment of the political and legal rights of persons with disabilities in elections, and to find out the obstacles faced by the election commission in increasing the participation of persons with disabilities in elections People with disabilities as part of Indonesian citizens have the right to be actively involved in political life. Political rights for persons with disabilities include the right to vote and be elected in public office, channeling political aspirations both written and oral, elect political parties or individuals who are participants in general elections. This type of research uses field research and library research. The approach used is using an empirical approach. Data collection techniques through literature study, interviews, and observations. And analyzed with qualitative data analysis methods. The results of this study indicate that the fulfillment of the political and legal rights of persons with disabilities in general elections has been fulfilled, such as picking up and coming to people with disabilities to the polls, and provide voting aids. But in practice, in increasing the participation of persons with disabilities it has not yet been fully smooth sailing. This is due to the obstacles faced by the election commission in fulfilling the political and legal rights of persons with disabilities in elections.
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