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Research aims to make a legal analysis on hate speach of the President. Everyone has a sense of self-respect regarding honor and a sense of self-worth regarding good name. The offense (beleediging) formed by the legislators, both general and specific, is intended to provide protection for the interests of the law. MA Decision No. 546 K / PID / 2017, where the case outlines as follows that the people's torch tabloid states that the presidential candidate (Ir. Joko Widodo) as a puppet, that Jokowi is a Chinese Chinese child from a solo father, Jokowi is a savior failed, that the puppet CAPRES reneged on the promise of the "CROSS" party carrying Jokowi and others written by the people's torch tabloids. The research method uses the normative method in the statute approach, data is obtained from literature sources and processed using qualitative analysis. The results showed that the MA ruling Number 546K / Pid / 2017 that the defendant was held in snare by article 310 paragraph (2) jo article 55 paragraph (1)-1 explained that, "insulting" is "attacking one's honor and good name". And people who participate in committing criminal acts, are convicted as the perpetrators of criminal acts. That the Supreme Court judge decided the defendant with a sentence of imprisonment for 1 (one) year in prison. And the Judge's decision fully fulfills the sense of justice for the defendant and can carry out the mandate of the legislation. the judge's decision with legal and non-legal elements strong conviction for the judge to decide the defendant was proven legally committing a defamation case.


Defamanation Joko Widodo Obor Rakyat

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How to Cite
Zein, F. D. (2020). Analisa Hukum Tindak Pidana Pencemaran Nama Baik Terhadap Joko Widodo Melalui Tabloid Obor Rakyat. JPH: Jurnal Pembaharu Hukum, 1(1), 61 - 75. Retrieved from


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